Not To Be A Broken Record, But…November 2023 Newsletter
Throughout the past few months, we have continuously stressed the importance of supporting the immune system through supplementation and proper diet. With […]
Reduce the Impact of Stress on Your Body: Better Stress Management
Stress. It is the main source of “dis-ease” in the body, mind, and spirit. It creates a tremendous biochemical burden on the […]
Stop the Fireworks in Your Gut!: July 2023 Newsletter
STOP THE FIREWORKS IN YOUR GUT! Happy Fourth of July! You have probably already started your holiday festivities over the weekend, have […]
Danger Will Robinson, Danger – Artificial Sweeteners: May 2023 Newsletter
This month we continue the theme of nutrition myths and focus on perhaps the most dangerous of all – the belief and […]
The Importance of Enzymes
I cannot overstate the importance of enzymes to the digestion process. Simply put, enzymes make stuff happen in the body- basically they […]
The Mouth – Why Chewing is Important
The “physical” aspects of digestion begin in the mouth. Please consider what goes in our mouth is generally a volunteer action! For […]
Digestion – Introduction – The Body Positive
Digestion – Introduction Our tour of the body begins with the digestive system. After all, we are what we eat! What we […]
The Body Positive
I have several favorite “nutritional sayings” (as I like to call them) that I use with my clients. One of these stems […]
Digestion: What to Do (A Self Help Guide)
Here are some recommendations to reduce symptoms of acid reflux. Drinking eight ounces of water about 30 minutes prior to a meal […]
The Large Intestines and the Importance of Probiotics
The last internal stop of our process is the large intestine or colon. The small intestines pass the remaining undigested material to […]
The Small Intestines
Our tour of the digestive system continues: The action now moves into the small intestines. Since digestion is a north to south […]
The Importance of Hydrochloric Acid
Here’s a quick three question true or false quiz for you: 1. The cause of gastric/acid reflux is too much stomach acid. […]