December 2016 Newsletter: In Loving Memory of Leo Rosen
This month’s newsletter is late and brief due to the passing of my Father last week. He lived a good and long life, just three months short of his 92nd birthday. From the Model T to the I-Phone he was certainly a member of what is now known as “The Greatest Generation.” He was a loving father, grandfather, and husband; successful attorney, World War II navy veteran, and polio survivor. We will all miss him dearly.
Interestingly enough, he almost died last March after getting a bacterial infection in the hospital. So I’ve decided to feature an article below about the dangers of bacteria in the hospital. He died of kidney failure, my belief from all the medications he was on during that battle and throughout the later years of his life. So, I’m also featuring an article on that subject.
I will be out of the office from December 30 until January 12 of next year. I will send another reminder in a few weeks, but please plan ahead for your supplement needs. I will be out of the country, so not able to get things to you.
Hospital Acquired Infections
Here are several articles from Dr. Mercola covering this issue in depth. What can you do about it? Besides eating right and taking care of yourself to avoid the hospital I generally recommend to take lots of probiotics while in the hospital and upon release.
One in 25 patients end up with hospital acquired infections. Here’s the article:
This hospital mistake kills 60,000 people per year. Here’s the article:
And one more, why hospital beds should have danger signs on them. Here’s the article:
Over use of Medications and Kidney Failure
Ever wonder why all the drug advertisements warn you about your kidneys?
Heartburn drugs linked to kidney disease. Here’s the article:
Regular use of aspirin and Tylenol linked to kidney disease. Here’s the article:
Certain types of antibiotics can cause kidney failure: Here’s the article: