January 2018 Newsletter: Happy New Year, Open House and Start the Year Off With A Cleanse!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great Holiday Season and is rearing and ready to go for a Healthy and Happy 2018!

With the start of the New Year there is no better time for a cleanse!! While picking up the exercise is important, it all starts with what you are eating and the 14 day cleanse is the best way to clean up your diet! As mentioned in last month’s newsletter I will be hosting several one-hour group meetings to learn about cleansing. See below for dates and times and special pricing.

My next Open House will be Thursday, January 25 at my office at 7:15 PM. Note the slightly later starting time as I want to give the parking lot a few more minutes to clear out from the dinner crowd at the restaurant. There will be two topics.

Topic 1: Why Cleanse?

Topic 2: Quantum Physics and You!! (Hint: How and why the EMF Phone Chips, EMF Key Chains, Food Freshness Card, and Sleep Chips work!)


Open House

Quantum Physics and You – sounds like a very strange title, so what is it all about? At the next Open House, I will be featuring and talking about the products from Nature’s Frequencies. Many of you are already using them – the EMF Phone Chips, the EMF Key Chain, the Sleep Chip, and the Food Freshness Card – to name a few.

At my last Open House, I joked that I was about to risk my career with a demonstration of the Food Freshness Card. Here is what happened. I have samples of a certain bone broth protein that I was muscle testing on many clients because I was strongly considering selling it. However, it failed every test! I asked a colleague of mine who sells it if she tested it on people and she said yes, but everything that comes into the office is put on the Food Freshness Card. So, I decided to try that first in the privacy of one client, which proved successful, so I took the big chance at the Open House and sure enough it worked again. Once the product was on the Food Freshness Card for a few minutes it passed the muscle test!

There is a lot more information on the Nature’s Frequencies website. You can see independent studies of how food stayed fresh longer using the card and read multiple testimonials. Here’s the website: http://www.naturesfrequencies.com/

To read more about the dangers of EMFs click here:

The book, Zapped by Ann Louise Gittleman – http://annlouise.com/books/zapped/

EMF resources – http://annlouise.com/books/zapped/zapped-resources/

At the next Open House, I will repeat the demonstration and go into more detail as to why these products work and have product specials!! I hope to see you there!

Food Freshness Card – $50

EMF Cell Phone Chips – $10

EMF Key Chain – $35


Cleanse Group Meetings

Had a rough Holiday Season or just feel like losing some weight or feeling a bit healthier? Well, there is no better way than to start the New Year off then with a 14-day Cleanse. I have decided to offer three one-hour group meetings for you to come learn about the cleanse and hopefully purchase your own kit. At this meeting I will be specifically discussing the 14-day Cleanse, but the basic principles apply to all the cleanses I offer. As an added incentive you will receive a sample of five protein bars from Designs for Health with each cleanse purchased. These can be used as a healthy snack during the cleanse.

Here are the dates and times of the meetings that will all be held at my office. Please register early as seating is limited at each session.

Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 5:30 PM

Monday, January 8, 2018 at 12:00 PM

Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 5:30 PM