June is Men’s Health and Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
June has several health awareness topics associated with it. We will focus on two: Men’s Health month and Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. If you are interested in learning more about the awareness months click here: Health Awareness Directory
Last month we learned about the prostate gland as the key to a man’s physical health. This month we will feature an article on Nutrition and Erectile Dysfunction. This was the topic of my dissertation. See below for the article on this especially important subject.
As for Alzheimer’s we will review Dr. Dale Bredesen’s The End of Alzheimer’s. This book was written several years ago and is still popular. He has written two subsequent books which are widely available. See below for the article.
We would also take a moment to thank everyone who attended our 2022 Class Series at the Springhill Suites. It was a lot of fun, and we look forward to resuming in the Fall.
This is a good month to check out Direct Labs as they have several tests on special this month related to both Men’s and Women’s Health.
The Link Between Nutrition and Erectile Dysfunction
Have you ever wondered why there seem to be so many advertisements for erectile dysfunction (ED) medication – Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra – on television and in the magazines, you are reading? I did and began an investigation that would become my Doctoral dissertation. The reason is quite simple – there is a lot of erectile dysfunction (ED). Over thirty million men in the United States suffer from it. ED affects over 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 and the incidence of complete ED triples between those ages. Even more disconcerting, experts expect cases of ED to more than double over the next 25 years.
To read the remainder of the article click here: Nutrition and Erectile Dysfunction
The End of Alzheimer’s
As a holistic nutritionist, it is important for me to provide my readers and clients with information to improve their health and to share this with others. Much of this information is not readily available, may be considered controversial, or is dismissed by the mainstream as anecdotal or not supported by science. Yet the truth is that many people have benefited and there is real science to back it up.
Allow me to introduce Dr. Dale E. Bredesen, a Professor at UCLA, Founding President of the Buck Institute, and Chief Medical Officer of MPI Cognition. In 2017 he wrote, The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline.
Dr. Bredesen writes how Alzheimer’s is feared like no other disease for two reasons: there is no effective treatment, and the progression of the disease is extremely challenging for both the person and their loved ones. As he says. “Everyone knows someone who’s survived cancer, but no one knows anyone who’s survived Alzheimer’s – until now.”
To learn more about Dr. Bredesen’s ideas click here: The End of Alzheimer’s