March 2017 Newsletter: Loosen Up Your Yoga Pants and Let Your Lymph Flow and Open House Next Week

As I’ve mentioned in previous newsletters the part of my job that I like best is the continuing education. The opportunity to learn from the best healers in the country (likely the world) and to bring that back to the office to help my clients is awesome. I am truly thankful and feel very fortunate.

As I write this newsletter I’ve just returned from Concordia 2017, Physica Energetics conference and pre-conference. This year’s title is, “Beyond Flat World Medicine.” The pre-conference featured Dr. Davis Brockenshire and Dr. Robert Cass covering muscle testing techniques and a review of the product formulations. The conference features nine additional leading natural healers and practitioners, discussing topics such as what are the obstacles to healing and the nutritional deficiencies caused by hormone birth control methods.

One of the key components to nutritional healing is known as “drainage.” Without proper drainage organs and systems can become congested by toxins which can cause damage and create an obstacle to the healing process. Proper drainage of the Lymphatic System is critical for health. Read below for how yoga pants and tight fitting clothes may have an adverse affect on your body.

Also during February and March I am participating in a web-based training with Dr. Michael Gaeta, the Autoimmune Mastery Program. It is a six week program covering natural solutions for autoimmune diseases with additional sessions on Lyme disease and fibromyalgia. Dr. Gaeta works mainly with Standard Process and MediHerb products.

I look at these two trainings as the best of both worlds. Physica Energetics and Standard Process are the two top nutritional supplement lines I work with. I love the opportunity to learn more about them both and to bring this knowledge to my clients! Physica and Standard Process products work synergistically together as well. Both product lines were influenced by Dr. Royal Lee and his main formulator John Courtney.

Want to hear more? I’d love to share a few gems of learning from these two trainings with you at my Open House next week – March 9 at 7:00 PM. See below for details.

Loosen Your Yoga Pants
Sure, those yoga pants look great on you, but wearing them all day may not be optimal for your body. Your Lymphatic System is in charge of taking out cellular waste (think of it as your garbage removal system). Unlike the circulatory system or the digestive system, it does not have a pump. That is why movement is important to overall health as it creates pressure changes allowing the lymph to flow properly.

So what’s wrong with yoga pants (or other tight fitting clothes)? The same compression that keeps them tight to your body inhibits the flow of the lymph resulting in a congested lymphatic system. This condition is compounded by exercise. When you exercise you increase cellular waste. This waste wants to flow out. The yoga pants are blocking it. This creates toxic cells, an inflammatory response and can lead to a disease state. Also, inflammation brings water and water brings weight. Are you getting the picture?

Open House – March 9 at 7 PM
I’d love to share with you a few of the learning gems from these two trainings. Please come next Thursday at 7 PM to my Open House at the office at 10040 North Port Washington Road in Mequon. We’ll share some healthy food (soup, salad, and a desert) and some healthy knowledge. To make the session livelier I’ll be demonstrating some simple muscle testing techniques to see if you need some minerals (especially magnesium), if your brain is in balance, if your heart is in balance, and if your lymphatic system is draining. And we’ll be taste testing a new green powder called VitaLife Force from Physica Energetics – one tablespoon per day is all you need!

Here’s the questions I’ll be answering:
1. Why are you on my case about my yoga pants? What’s the big deal about lymph drainage?
2. Are there natural solutions to auto-immune disease?
3. Is my brain balanced? Do I need magnesium?
4. What nutritional deficiencies are caused by hormone birth control methods?

Not sure you want to join me? I’m offering an added incentive. You will receive 10% off your next supplement purchase and if you bring a friend who becomes a new client you’ll receive 15% off your next supplement purchase and your friend will get $50 off their initial consult!

The Power of Natural Solutions

Here’s one of the best healing stories from the past year.

My client wrote this along with the testimonial below, “Hope this is okay! It was a joy to recall how much my life has changed in this last year. Thank you so much!”

“Before I started working with Bernie, I was almost hopeless about ever finding the help I needed. At only 23, I had been experiencing joint pain, inflammation, brain fog, headaches, fatigue, irritability, constant muscle cramps, stiffness…the list goes on, for years already. I had been tested for MS, lupus, Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. and was getting nowhere. The last “solution” I received from a doctor was to go on an anti-depressant. I felt like I’d hit rock-bottom. Within 3 weeks of seeing Bernie, following his nutrition and supplement plan, my life had changed. It is not an overstatement to say it was as if I was a new person who finally had my life back. Bernie was thorough in explaining to me what the issues were and helped me remain positive and hopeful in my journey of healing. I am so grateful!”