May 2012 Newsletter Spring Into Action
Spring is in the air! At least here in Milwaukee it is finally getting “springlike” this week with warmer temperatures and nature is rising up all over.
Speaking of “springing up” my biggest news is that my book proposal will be sent off to an agent by the end of the week! I’ve been working feverishly the past several weeks in writing the formal proposal and the sample chapters. What a project!
I’ve come to learn that an important aspect of the publishing game, particularly for first time authors, is to have an established following. One way to do this is through social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter. I have a special request. If you have not already done so, please “Like” The Dick Diet and Rosen Wellness on Facebook and follow @thedickdiet on Twitter. And pass it along to your friends too!
The Dick Diet® Works!
What did American men spend over $2 billion for in 2011? Beer? Chips? Flowers? Chocolate?
Well, maybe, but one answer I know for sure is medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). Worldwide over $4.3 billion was spent. Why? It is estimated that over 30 million men in the United States suffer from erectile dysfunction (and over 150 million worldwide) with that number likely to double in the next 25 years. A landmark study found that ED affects 52% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 and the incidence increases with age.
It is great to theorize about how a dietary program should work, but getting results is the so called proof, dare I say, in the pudding! Here’s a recent testimonial from a very satisfied gentleman on The Dick Diet®. And I suppose his wife is happy too!
Here’s a sample of what he said, “The best part is that my ‘diet’ consists of more of the things I want to eat vs. things I thought were ‘healthy’ to eat, and I have a renewed confidence that I can perform as I feel I should without depending on any drugs or other unnatural processes.”
For the full story click here
The Digestive Journey Continues
I have added two more installments in our journey through our digestive system.
Most of the excitement begins to occur in the stomach, but the esophagus is important too. Sometimes it is telling us of problems in the stomach (such as acid reflux).
But, it is in the stomach where the so to speak “heavy lifting” – the protein digestion – begins. What happens in the stomach is most critical because as we know digestion is a north to south process.
For all the interesting details read on.