November 2016 Newsletter: My Most Compliant Client – Likes His Supplements So Much He Even Begs for Them!
Yes, I’m talking about our dog Barry! Dogs are people too! And just like humans many of them suffer from nutritional deficiencies and ultimately disease. Just last year I read an article in Barron’s about the high profitability and growth of the drug manufacturer Pfizer’s veterinary product business stating approximately 70% of US pets are on at least one medication! Most of our pets are eating highly processed cereal based foods. In short they’re on the same bad diets as their owners, so wind up with the same diseases.
I’ve written in the past about Standard Process’ veterinary product line and even linked to a Veterinarian who advocates purification programs for animals. Well, recently I took it a step further and had Barry muscle tested by Sue Howell, a local Standard Process employee. Sue was trained in muscle testing by my mentor Dr. Joe Teff, so she used a similar technique.
Barry is a bit overweight, so she recommended a new diet and some supplements to address his nutritional deficiencies. We started with the supplements and he loves them! Now, every time I go into the kitchen where I keep his supplements he comes in looking for more. And as you can see by the video linked here he devours them quickly! To enjoy the video of Barry enjoying his supplements click here and just scroll down a bit on the page and you’ll see it:
We’ve started with the supplements and Barry’s diet is next to change in a few weeks. I’ll keep you updated on his progress!
Here’s a Happy Compliant Human!
Here’s an email I received a few weeks ago:
“Hi Bernie –
I just want to say – wow – whatever we switched to has me feeling great. I have energy, am sleeping well and am actually starting to drop a pound or two. Soy – no problem, peppers – fine, wheat – find. Dairy – that is a toughy. I am still nibbling on a bit of white cheese but will try and cut that out.
Yeah – another layer of the onion is peeling away.”
The Cold and Flu Season Awaits
While we’re having a record breaking warm day today here in Wisconsin we all know what is just around the corner. With the colder weather comes the cold and flu season. As I’ve mentioned previously I recommend that all clients have on hand Congaplex Chewable and Andrographis Complex by Standard Process – a great way to boost your immune system when you feel something coming on. Take 1-2 Congaplex every hour and 1 Andrographis Complex every 4 hours you’re awake and usually in a day or two you’re feeling fine.