September 2020 Newsletter: An All-in-One Immune Booster and Free Meal Plans!!!

Welcome to the September newsletter. Hard to believe it is already September and the Fall is approaching. This newsletter is packed with lots of new information.

We will introduce you to BioFizz Immune, a new immune system product from Designs for Health designed specifically to support your health during the current environment.

We are also introducing you to Well World, a new App from Designs for Health. There are two features we are particularly excited about. One of them allows you free access to the healthy eating plan of your choice. Be it Paleo, Intermittent Fasting, Keto or any other popular diet, Well World has a 28-day meal plan for you!

The second feature allows us to recommend a supplement protocol for a health condition you would like to improve. While it is always better to come to the office, this feature makes us accessible to those who prefer to be safer at home. Also, we believe even more important is that it allows us to help your friends and family that are not here in town and would like to receive nutritional support from a trusted source.

We continue to experience amazing results with our clients. Be it SHAPE ReClaimed or muscle testing to identify root cause of a health issue we are always full of joy to see our clients respond!

Keep reading for all the details.

Immune System Booster All in One – Introducing BioFizz Immune from Designs for Health

At the end of March as the pandemic began to take hold, we blogged about what immune system experts were recommending and using to protect themselves and their families. You can review that article here: Immune System Experts.

There were several suggestions including Vitamin C, Vitamin D, quercetin, and zinc. We are pleased to announce a new product from Designs for Health – BioFizz Immune – that contains all those nutrients in one great tasting powder. This is great for kids as they head back to school and for the whole family. Our initial supply is on its way! Let us know if you would like some!

For more details on BioFizz Immune click here: BioFizz Immune


Well World – Free Healthy Eating Plans

Rosen Wellness is pleased to introduce you to Well World – a new App from Designs for Health. We are most excited to offer you free access to the eating plan of your choice. Each healthy eating plan includes meal plans, shopping lists, recipes, avoid lists, and daily reminders. For those of you without a supplement protocol, there are optional supplement plans specifically designed for some of the diets. This is an easy way for you to follow a healthy eating plan – it is all laid out for you!

The eating plans include many familiar names: Anti-Candida Diet, Autoimmune Paleo Reset Diet, Clean Eating Diet, The Elimination Diet, Intermittent Fasting + Mediterranean Diet, Immune Support Diet, Ketogenic Diet, Low Sugar Diet, Low FODMAP Diet, Low Sugar Vegetarian Diet, Mediterranean Diet, and Paleo Diet. But now there is no guess work on your part. All the pertinent information is at your fingertips – ready to go!

If you are interested, let us know, and we will send you the link to get started. Click here for Eating Plan descriptions: Well World Eating Plans


Well World – Healthy Living Protocols

While we are excited to offer you a free eating plan of your choice, we are equally excited about the supplement protocol feature of Well World. While we prefer to meet with you in person in the office and muscle test to determine the exact nutritional support program for you, Well World’s supplement protocol is the next best thing! This feature is also great for your friends and family members who would like to work on a specific health issue but are not able to come to the office for reasons such as not living in the area.

Sample protocols include: anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasite, arthritis, brain health, lowering cholesterol, detoxification, improving mood, reducing blood sugar, gallstones, improving digestion, reducing acid reflux, leaky gut, non-alcoholic fatty liver, pregnancy, SIBO, weight management, weight loss, and women’s hormone balancing to name a few.

Please pass this information along to your friends and family members that may be interested.


I feel so much better, my skin is clearer, LDL levels have come down

SHAPE ReClaimed continues to be a powerful program for our clients. If you are looking to feel better and drop a few pounds in the process contact us about SHAPE ReClaimed or the 21-Day SHAPE Cleanse.

“I started Shape back in December 2019 with the initial goal of losing weight. By the end of February, I had lost 20 pounds, but more importantly I feel so much better and my skin is clearer and LDL levels have come down.  It does become a lifestyle –  it’s not a temporary diet.  There is a lot of support through the website and Facebook page – especially with recipe ideas.  Many of the recipes are now staples in my planning. My food is so much more flavorful with the addition of new spices.  I highly recommend the program to anyone considering a lifestyle change to improve yourself and feel better in the long run!” S.H.


My stomach/abdomen pain was gone in under a week!

One of our most common client complaints regard digestion. There are many possible reasons for digestive issues. What’s great is that they can often be a relatively quick fix!

“I was referred to Bernie by a great friend and current client. I was having progressively worse stomach/abdomen pain for 3+ months that at some point would make me immobile, as well as other issues like persistent acne and overall inflammation. My traditional doctor dismissed it as “hormonal pain” and nothing to be worried about. I wanted answers and relief. After working with Bernie and discovering many food sensitivities and other issues, I finally had answers that I needed to start the path to healing. My stomach/abdomen pain was gone in under a week and my persistent acne was almost eliminated. I know that the path to healing does not happen overnight, but grateful for finding Bernie to help guide my path into a healthy body.” K.K.