September Newsletter – Back to School for Kids and Adults
The summer sure went by quickly and the kids are back to school today. Hard to believe my son is a senior! Not only are the kids going back to school, but time for the adults as well! And, I’ve got lots of wonderful learning opportunities coming up this month and through the fall and winter.
This month my monthly nutrition and wellness talks begin at my new office at GreenSquare Center for the Healing Arts in Glendale. The talks are the first Wednesday of each month from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. We open with “Ten Foods to Have In Your Healthy Diet.” Let’s establish the basics of healthy eating and go from there. For a complete list of the programs click here
Later this month I’ll be making my annual trip to Cedar Falls, Iowa with some brand new workshops, including “From Head to Toe, What Your Body is Telling You.” If you are in the Cedar Falls area or know anyone there, please join us. There will also be a very special event. For more details click here
On September 22 my schedule at the Mequon Recreation Center kicks off with “Know Your Nutrients” – an introduction to the major vitamins and minerals and what they do in the body. Mequon talks are Thursdays at 12:30.
While it is not technically September, on October 1 Haleybird Studios in Wauwatosa is hosting my “Rejuvenation and Relaxation” workshop. This is a fan favorite as participants learn easy techniques to energize the body and reduce stress. For more information click here
Back to School Nutrition
In the spirit of back to school below is an article on nutrition for kids. I also urge you to visit the website for some great ideas and recipes.
In the spirit of “back to school” I thought I’d offer a few thoughts on nutrition for kids. (Of course this advice applies to adults as well.) In all honesty, it is probably the most challenging aspect of my private client practice. While it can be difficult to get adults to eat healthier, kids can be even more so. The food producers and manufacturers have developed special foods that they call “kid’s food”. If you take the time to read the list of ingredients you will find that most of it is not food and should not be consumed by anyone, particularly our children. Our children are growing and need the healthiest foods available to properly fuel their minds and bodies.
For the rest of the post click here
Introducing Dr. Melvin Page, Nutrition Pioneer
While I’ve written in the past of the works of Drs. Price, Pottenger, and Lee, I’d like to introduce you to another of their contemporaries, Dr. Melvin Page. Dr. Page was also a dentist and he took the works of Dr. Price and expanded upon them. Their key finding was that in healthy human beings the serum calcium to phosphorus ratio should be 2.5 part calcium to one part phosphorus (10:4). This is what Price found in the native populations he studied and what Page later found with his patients. Page went on to show that those with higher calcium tended towards heart disease and atherosclerosis, while those with high phosphorus tended towards cancer. The underlying reasons are actually quite simple – too much calcium in the blood leads to clots and too much phosphorus weakened the immune system.
Page developed a specific diet – the Page Food Plan – that brought his patients blood chemistry into proper balance and they became healthy! The original plan was developed in the 1950’s and is available on my web site However, there is a more up to date version taking into account some of the food availability and quality issues that are present today. If you’d like a copy of that, please call or e-mail me.
Page did more interesting work, but I’ll save that for next time. If you’d like to read about my favorite Pioneers of Nutrition, follow the links below.
For the Royal Lee article click here:
For the Francis Pottenger article click here:
For the Weston Price article click here: