Is Everyone Around You Getting Sick?

It sure seems that way! It’s that time of the year again… when colds and flu seems to kick in! Many of my clients keep on hand a variety of supplements to support their immune systems.
We recommend having the following products on hand at home for when you start to feel something coming on: Congaplex Chewable (take 1 every hour that you are awake) and Andrographis Complex (take 1 every 3-4 hours that you are awake). Additional support comes from: Herbal Throat Spray, Ginger Tussin, Vitamin C Camu Camu, Silvercillin Spray, and Immunoberry. All these are kid friendly sprays and great tasting liquids.
If you have children away at school a great way to support their overall health is the Back to School Essentials Kit that we introduced in September. It includes Solary-D (a Vitamin D and K spray for immune support, energy, and bones), ProSynbiotic (a probiotic for digestive support), ImmunoBerry (for immune system support), and Omega GOLD (a fish oil for brain and nervous system support). The Essentials Kit is only $167. Add the very tasty Vege-E Complete Chocolate protein powder for $65.
This kit can be picked up at our office in Mequon or shipped directly to your college student for a nominal fee.
Please call us at 262-389-9907 for more information.