Newsletter September 2019: SHAPE Success Stories

We will kick off this month’s newsletter with the latest success stories with SHAPE ReClaimed®. This is truly the most effective detoxification and health restoration program we have yet encountered. Plus people are shedding extra pounds!
Our clients are having tremendous success in meeting their goals. Not only are they losing weight, but they are also feeling better. They report that many of their aches and pains are reduced or gone! There are several couples working together, learning a healthy lifestyle, and regaining their health. This testimonial says it all:
“Thank you, Susana and Bernie, for introducing me to SHAPE ReClaimed® at your open house in July. I started the program with Susana, and I have lost over 7 pounds in my first few weeks! I can’t tell you how relieved I am to see a steady decline in my weight after the past two years of constant weight gain and numerous dead-end diets I tried! This is the first time I have had no painful struggles with eating what I need to and getting through the day. I have no cravings, no blood sugar highs and lows—I just feel strong all day. I’m excited to keep on this program because it works and is giving me real results.” Sharon
We wanted to share our excitement about SHAPE ReClaimed® with you and encourage you to spread the word about this fantastic program to anyone you believe would benefit – your family, your friends, your clients, and other acquaintances.
We also wanted to share our own personal experience with SHAPE ReClaimed®. We would never ask anyone to do anything that we would not do ourselves. All the detoxification and weight loss programs that are offered to clients, we have tried personally. SHAPE ReClaimed® is the only program that feels natural while you are doing it. There are no handfuls of pills to swallow. There are no meal replacement shakes that you try to convince yourself taste good, are filling, and are satisfying. There is just real food.
We have discovered many tasty meals, snacks, and deserts with the vast number of SHAPE ReClaimed® approved recipes available. With the other programs the prevailing attitude is, “I can do anything for 14 days (or 21 days).” SHAPE ReClaimed is easy to do and you do not get sick of it. Best of all, it easily transitions into a lifestyle that you can do forever! And there is an awesome Facebook support group. People love it!
To learn more about SHAPE ReClaimed click here: SHAPE ReClaimed
Save the date: Thursday evening October 24, 2019. SHAPE ReClaimed® developers Dr. Todd and Linda Frisch will be here in Milwaukee to share their inspiring words about this program. Details will be announced next month.
This month’s newsletter also asks the question, “What if Béchamp was right?” This may lead you to the question, “Who is Béchamp?” More likely you have heard of Louis Pasteur. The two of them were rivals back in the day. Pasteur believed in the germ theory of disease. Béchamp pursued the terrain theory of disease. Pasteur’s views won the day. Today we live with the repercussions of their great debate. See below for more information.
Why SHAPE ReClaimed®? How Did So Many People Become Overweight?
As you are aware, being overweight is a major health issue. If you are overweight, you have a significantly greater risk factor for many health issues and chronic diseases. More than 60% of the US adult population is overweight. Being overweight significantly increases risk for a variety health issues and diseases and results in increased health care costs for those affected.
So, why do we gain weight? The answer is quite simple and probably not a surprise to you. It starts with our food – we eat too much, we eat the wrong proportions, we eat food that is bad for us, and we eat poor quality food. Let me explain what I mean by too much, wrong proportions, bad for us, and poor quality.
To read the remainder of the article click here: How Do We Get Overweight?
Being overweight is a major health issue. If you are overweight, you have a significantly greater risk factor for several health issues including breathing, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, osteoarthritis, gallstones, Type 2 diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, sleep apnea, pregnancy difficulties, and cancer. Notice these are among the leading causes of preventable and premature death.
To further explore the health issues related to obesity click here: Consequences of Being Overweight
What if Béchamp Was Right?
“What if Béchamp was right?” This may lead you to the question, “Who is Béchamp?” More likely you have heard of Louis Pasteur. The two of them were rivals back in the day. Pasteur believed in the germ theory of disease. Béchamp pursued the terrain theory of disease. Pasteur’s views won the day. The germ theory has thus been the basis for all modern medicine since then. We encourage you to read these with an open mind. As with many of these controversial topics it is most likely that the truth is a combination of both viewpoints.
To learn all about their debate click here to read the article on the Weston Price Foundation web site: Germ vs. Terrain
There is also an excellent book on the subject by Nancy Appleton, PhD called The Curse of Louis Pasteur. Click here for more details: The Curse of Louis Pasteur
There are some who claim that Pasteur on his death bed said that Béchamp was right, whether that occurred is quite controversial. You can read about that here: Did Pasteur Recant?