Protect Yourself from The Sun in a Healthy Way

Since our move to Idaho, we have experienced record setting heat. It has been over 90 consistently (and often over 100) these last five weeks! We have tried to stay out of the Sun, but this has become our product of choice for sun protection.

We believe your best option for healthier sun protection is 3rd Rock Sunblock. It comes in a variety of packaging options for adults and infants. To learn more about 3rd Rock Essentials Sunblock and other products click here: 3rd Rock Essentials

Use the Coupon Code: ROSENROCK for 20% off.

We had the opportunity to meet the creator of the 3rd Rock product line earlier this month and he explained the product features and benefits to us in depth. We were very impressed with the natural and organic ingredients. We will share more information about the ingredients in future emails.

For now, we have some samples and we have been trying them out. We will report later this week on the Itch Block Relief Cream and the Odorblock Deodorant Spray. The early results are very positive!

All our best,

Bernie and Susana