We live in very interesting times and wherever you fall on the pandemic spectrum you cannot help wondering what people are thinking. For example, on the way back from Milwaukee the following behavior was observed. On boarding an airplane that was just completely disinfected by the airline, why is a mother traveling with four young children using multiple wipes on every seat, tray table, seat back, and window surface she encounters before she feeds them their dinner of McDonald’s hamburgers, chicken nuggets, and French fries? Which do you think is a greater health risk? Sorry, had to get that out of the system!

It was nice to be in Wisconsin this past week and connect with many clients. The Belgium office space worked out great! Our next trip to see clients will be October 4-6. Please use the online scheduler Schedule an appointment, call or email to set up an appointment. It is easiest to use the online scheduler as you can see what is available and pick your spot. Please schedule a half hour block for either muscle testing or SHAPE follow up appointments. This is the best way to for us to manage the appointments. You will be charged the appropriate amount for your visit be it a 15-minute or 30-minute muscle testing follow-up or a SHAPE follow-up.

How Are We Doing in Idaho?

We love it! It has been a bit toasty, but it is such a beautiful part of the country. All is going well with the new office in Coeur d’Alene. We are fully stocked with supplements and have begun to work with our first local clients. We are out spreading the word, making new friends, and networking with other local health care providers.

No Matter What You Think About the Virus…Immune Charge + is for you!

No matter what you think about the virus, masks, potential lockdowns, vaccines, shedding, and passports, the most important thing you can do for yourself is to support your health by eating a healthy diet and supporting your immune system. Last year’s newsletters frequently provided recommendations for supplements to support your immune system.

The latest and greatest is Immune Charge + from QuickSilver Scientific.  It has all the ingredients you need to support your immune system and comes in a 12-pack of individual shots Immune Charge + Box or a 100 mL bottle Immune Charge + Bottle  Planning a trip or think you have been around someone exposing you to the virus? This is the perfect supplement to have on hand for daily or short-term use. Let us know if you would like some and we will ship it with your next order.

Where Can I Learn More?

This is another common question from clients. There are several websites, newsletters, and blogs providing factual information that you are not hearing about because it does not fit the mainstream narrative. Yet it is all true, valid, and documented by studies. Much of it is government statistics that are not being reported or are being analyzed and presented differently. (We are sure you have heard about the statistician who drowned in the river that was only three inches of average depth!)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Children’s Defense Fund – https://childrenshealthdefense.org/

Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website – https://www.mercola.com/

The Weston Price Foundation website – https://www.westonaprice.org/

Sayer Ji’s GreenMed Info website – https://www.greenmedinfo.com/

Running low on supplements?

If you are running low on supplements, please call or email Bernie with your order. Our analysis of client orders during June and July indicated the most cost-effective way to get supplements was to order direct from us. On average, due to shipping costs from orders from multiple vendors, most clients would have saved a few dollars by ordering from us. In addition, we receive a greater percentage of the sale when selling direct to you. It was essentially a lose-lose situation. Now that we are fully stocked and operational in Idaho, let us make it a win-win! Call or email Bernie with your order and allow 2-3 business days for your product to arrive. The FedEx drop station is literally a two-minute drive from the office.

Happy Client Profile

Meet A.J.

“Rosen Wellness helped me lose weight, when no other diets did, with their SHAPE ReClaimed™ program. My body changed quickly as I lost weight (I am already down two pant sizes after only two months on this program), but I also felt great as my inflammation decreased. The weekly and bi-weekly urinalysis testing and check-ins with Susana and Bernie helped keep me motivated and on track, as they supported me along the way. The program guide, the SHAPE ReClaimed™ website (and Facebook group) and their great tasting recipes were also keys to my success. I highly recommend Rosen Wellness for anyone striving to be healthier and lose that stubborn weight.”

We continue to see amazing results with the SHAPE program and strongly encourage anyone looking to lose a few pounds or a significant amount of weight to please contact us and get started on reclaiming your heath.