July 2021 Newsletter: Happy 4th Of July Independence Day
Happy Independence Day!
We want to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day and hope you have a great 4th of July! We encourage you to take an extra moment to reflect on the significance of the day. We will be celebrating with Ann Louise Gittleman and James Templeton at their annual outdoor Fourth of July bash. And speaking of Ann Louise, her latest book, Radical Longevity, continues to climb the Amazon best seller list. It has lots of information and recommendations on how to live a healthier and longer life. We strongly encourage you to add it to your summer reading list: Radical Longevity
We are happy to report that Rosen Wellness is settled in the new office in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and ready to welcome new clients. Our product inventories are now restocked so please let us know if you need anything. Many of you are taking advantage of ordering through the website. It seems if you are ordering several products from Standard Process, Designs for Health or through Kaerwell this is a cost-effective option. If you need products from multiple companies, it is probably best to order through us. Here are the website links again:
Standard Process: Standard Process
Designs for Health: Designs for Health
Kaerwell (for Biotics, Physica, QuickSilver, SHAPE ReClaimed, and Systemic Formulas): Kaerwell
UniKey, Walkabout Health Emu Oil, and MarcoPharma need to be ordered through the office.
One last housekeeping note. If you have not yet scheduled an appointment for July in Wisconsin and wish to do so, please do so. Bernie’s schedule is almost full. To schedule with Bernie, use this link: Online Scheduler. To schedule with Susana, please call her at 414-331-9326.
The Latest on 5G
Here is some of the latest information about 5G from our two favorite sources. Nick Penault and Ann Louise Gittleman.
From Nick: The Science Is Blindingly Clear: Your Cell Phone Is NOT Safe
Neither are your wifi router, so-called “smart” Bluetooth-enabled devices or wearables, cell phone towers, or any wireless technology for that matter.
The non-ionizing radiation they emit is unsafe — and at the moment we simply don’t know what a “safe” dose of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation is.
To learn more from Nick, his podcasts and his blog, click here: The EMF Guy
From Ann Louise: The “Invisible” Digital Toxin That’s Causing You To Age Faster
Why this hidden threat is getting more urgent everyday, and can no longer be ignored!
To continue reading Ann Louise’s blog click here: Digital Toxin
The Latest on the Pandemic
Since our move to Coeur d’Alene, we have seen a wide spectrum of how different states and people are dealing with the pandemic. We have been in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho and as you can well guess we are seeing a variety of behaviors. At a Farmers Market in Idaho there were hundreds of people and maybe 5-10 wore masks. When we opened our Xfinity internet service in Spokane we had to wear masks to enter the store. In Oregon signs said masks are still required to enter a store, but maybe 50% of the people did so.
If you are interested in information that you do not see in the main-stream We encourage you to go to these websites: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s Children’s Health Defense Children’s Health Defense, Dr. Mercola’s website mercola.com, and the Epoch Times Epoch Times.
SHAPE ReClaimed for Better Dental Health!
“I’ve been on the SHAPE ReClaimed™ program with Susana & Bernie for about 3 months and I’ve lost over 23 lbs. The program is easy to follow and they are very supportive in providing great recipes, follow up and bi-weekly monitoring.
The most unexpected benefit is the improvement in my gums/teeth. I went to my dentist yesterday and they were blown-away by how much my gums have improved. She was asking me if I was flossing more and I told her “Maybe a little more, but I have also been on an anti-inflammatory diet for about 3 months and have cut out sugar and gluten products.” She was really excited about the improvement. I’m so happy with Susana & Bernie’s SHAPE ReClaimed™ program and highly recommend it!” A.J.