Newsletter April 2020: What We’ve Learned from the Pandemic

The most common question we are being asked is “what do you think of the coronavirus?” This is a complicated answer and it appears that what we wrote in the last newsletter some six weeks ago is still today’s reality. Here’s what we said, “There is no doubt that the coronavirus is a deadly virus – it is highly contagious, people are dying, and governments are trying to figure out how to contain it.”
In this newsletter we will look at what some of the experts are saying and what they are doing to protect themselves and their families. The experts all agree that their nutritional and supplement support protocols for the immune system should be maintained at least through the summer and likely continued in some reduced form after that for ongoing protection against the next unnamed virus. Our March 2020 Newsletter featured the immune system and you can review it by clicking here: March Newsletter
While supporting the immune system is Job #1 right behind it is Job #2 – reducing inflammation. In the March Newsletter we encouraged the SHAPE ReClaimed program as the best way we know to rapidly reduce inflammation through diet and lifestyle. Yes, it is an even greater challenge now with many of us homebound and only steps away from the refrigerator, but still extremely important to be considered.
If you are not ready for the full program we encourage you to decrease your consumption of white sugar (it reduces immune system functioning for up to five hours after consumption) and other inflammatory foods such as white flour products, processed and refined grains and cereals, and refined oils (margarine, vegetable oil, soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil). Also, consider taking the SHAPE homeopathic drops which are immune system boosting, anti-inflammatory, and can help suppress hunger.
The third component is stress. All our stress levels have dramatically increased – fear of the virus, the uncertainty of the future (when will it be “normal” again?), being homebound, etc. And as you might guess increased stress places more burden on the immune system. We encourage you to explore ways to reduce stress including light exercise, deep breathing, meditation, and doing things you enjoy – going for a walk, listening to music, playing music, etc.
Immune System Support Experts – What They Say and What They Are Doing to Protect Themselves and Their Families
Late last week as we were settling down into our new “pandemic lifestyle” we had the opportunity to participate in some calls, texts, and webinars with many of the people we consider to be experts in nutrition and our personal mentors. These include Dr. Davis Brockenshire, Dr. Robert Cass, Ann Louise Gittleman, Dr. Michael Gaeta, and the leaders at Biotics and Designs for Health.
Their messages regarding the key nutrients and supplements to optimize and support the immune system are very similar. The specifics differ by the products the various companies provide (Designs for Health, MediHerb, Physica Energetics, Standard Process, and UniKey.) We have passed along the Ann Louis Gittleman/UniKey and the Designs for Health protocols in previous communications. In this article we will review the consensus among the experts and pass along the specifics of the Brockenshire/Cass/Physica protocol.
To read the consensus and more specifics from Drs. Brockenshire and Cass click here: Expert Guidance
Meet Dr. Robert Cass, Master Formulator for Physica Energetics: His Recommendations for Immune System Support
Dr. Robert Cass is the Master Formulator for Physica Energetics. With his vast knowledge and nearly 50 years of experience in natural health we are proud to consider him a mentor. You can read his bio here: Dr. Cass Bio
Here is what the master formulator is doing for himself and his family:
For adults: Start with 1-2 scoops of Camu Camu Vitamin C in water. Add to it 3 droppers of Olive Leaf Intrinsic, 3 droppers of Sambucus Intrinsic, 3 droppers of Myrrh Intrinsic, and 15 drops of Flu Milieu. Stir it up and drink. In addition, do 20 sprays of Solray-D and 3 capsules of Spleen LF. This is done twice per day. Also, do one full dropper of Sambucus before bed. (Please note: Dr. Brockenshire suggests 10 sprays of Solray-D per day. Personally we think 10 sprays is sufficient unless you are in the high risk category.)
For kids: 1-2 droppers per day of Echina Intrinsic and 1 dropper of Mycelia Intrinsic in pear or grape juice.
We have just received stock of all these items. If you are interested please let us know so we can arrange for curbside pick up.
Have Some Extra Time? Take the Opportunity to Read These Books
Actually, whether you have the extra time or not, now is a great time to read any of these two books that we highly recommend.
Andre Camelli’s Cracking the Code: Unlock Your Genetic Potential – Sale Price $18, Regular Price $20
Nick Pineault’s The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology – Sale Price $18, Regular Price $19.99
Special Bundle offer – buy Camelli and Pineault for $35, save even more!!
Book One – Are you ready to unleash your healing potential and transform your life now? Then you will want to read Dr. Andre Camelli’s Cracking the Code: Unlock Your Genetic Potential. Featuring his 21-Day Genetic Jump Start Program!
This book is your roadmap to personal transformation. Learn where you are weak and how to get strong in all areas of life. Immediately start unlocking energy, finding deep restorative sleep, and boosting mental clarity to upgrade your quality of life. Follow a customized strategy using simple steps to unlock your genetic potential and maximize your results.
•Rapidly regain energy and mental clarity
•Follow customized strategies for immediate results
•Turn on your metabolism for effortless weight loss
•Heal your gut, brain, and immune system
•Improve your ability to handle stress
•Release overwhelming thoughts and regain restorative sleep
•Unlock your longevity blueprint and quality of life
Cracking the Code will help you regain your health, quality sleep, mental clarity, energy, and improved metabolism. The 21-Day Genetic Jump Start Program coupled with our self-assessment tools will provide you with a unique and powerful blueprint to unleash your true potential!
“This book will guide you and your family in achieving the health and quality of life you deserve. Thanks, Dr. Camelli, for empowering us to heal, and for sharing a simple process to follow. You will be inspired to put your health as a priority and fulfill your true potential.”
~Fabrizio Mancini
International Bestselling Author of The Power of Self-Healing
President Emeritus Parker University
Irving, TX
Book Two– Learn how to best protect your home and loved ones from the dangers of EMF and the now emerging 5G technology. Nicolas Pineault (The EMF Guy) puts in simple terms what EMFs are, where they are, and what you can do about them to minimize your exposure. The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs: How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology is your personal guide.
Can you really feel years younger & make unexplained symptoms vanish with the click of a button — the “Airplane Mode” on your cell phone?
Advocate for safe technologies Nicolas Pineault used to think this all sounded like something only crazy people wearing tinfoil hats would say.
But the overwhelming amount of independent scientific evidence linking electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from wireless technologies with increased risks of cancer, infertility, insomnia, and depression sure has the uncanny ability to change a man’s mind.
The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs is a simple and unconventional book that will teach you exactly how to reduce your exposure to this brand new 21st-century pollution without going back to the Stone Age.
You will learn:
- What your smartphone, your wifi router and your microwave oven have in common (page 9)
- Why policy makers and scientists all worldwide don’t agree about whether EMFs are dangerous or not (page 21)
- Is Electro-Hypersensitivity as popularized in the TV show “Better Call Saul” real? Or is it all psychological? (page 62)
- Why carrying a cell phone in your pocket can harm your fertility (201 studies prove it) (page 72)
- The 1-click fix to reduce cellphone EMFs by 84% (page 142)
- What is safer? Speakerphone, earbuds or a Bluetooth ear piece? (page 155)
- The #1 worst source of EMF radiation at home (page 160)
- Why baby monitors are worse than smartphones, and better alternatives (page 208)
More and more scientific evidence shows that cellphone radiation might be the new smoking. So why take chances?
Instead, read The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs — the technological seat belt you might just need to use your new gadgets safely.